Cape Town Cycle Tour

When we met Ashleigh Moolman Pasio recently, she started talking about a new project in South Africa. Ashleigh is the first winner of the UCI Cycling Esports World Championships, current pro rider at AG Insurance Soudal Quickstep and South Africa’s leading international female cyclist
This new project takes her back to where it all began – the Cape Town Cycle Tour.
Ashleigh is part of an amazing initiative bringing 30 girls from Khayelitsha to ride the Cape Town Cycle Tour.
After Khaltsha Cycles identified the 30 girls to participate in the Cycle Tour, Rocacorba cycling collective and Moolman Pasio started raising funds for bikes, kit, helmets and other items that the girls would need to get through the event.
Through her Rocacorba Collective, a virtual community for cycling, Moolman Pasio has partnered with Khaltsha Cycles, a cycling shop based in Khayelitsha, with the aim of getting more women on bikes and giving young girls an opportunity to become cyclists.
“The aim here is to empower the girls through the bicycle,” says Moolman Pasio. “So we are using bicycles to firstly, give the new riders a sense of belonging, and to help them grow in their confidence.”
Because we believe that as a brand we also have a social commitment, we tried to help as much as possible.
A small effort that can make a big difference.
Last weekend all of the 30 riders of the first-ever black girl's cycling club in Cape Town finished their very first Cape Town Cycle Tour!
The smiles say it all!
📸 @avalanchebikesza
#womenscycling #rocacorbacollective #capetown #girlsonbikes #cyclingclub #smilesformiles #capdoping #cyclingculture #cyclinglove
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